Chrissy, under most circumstances, I'm a 'forgive and forget' kind of person.
We all screw up, we all say things we don't mean, etc. etc. and at the end of the day, if WE catch ourselves, we apologize, correct that behavior, hold our heads up, and keep putting one foot in front of the other.
The problem with you?
You didn't apologize until WAAAAAY after you were caught. It took you, what, a month of no social media to finally decide to "apologize," which one can only assume was a PR stunt because you ... well, because you got ousted.
You were bullying people in horrendous ways. Not only were you bullying them, but you went OUT OF YOUR WAY to hurt them financially, emotionally, and in the public eye.
Because, what. . . you thought you were doing minorities a favor?
Nah, you're a mean-spirited person. Psychopathic behavior is what we're looking at here. I don't really buy the apology.
The only way you unf*ck this f*ck is by SHOWING people you're something else, not just telling them.
So for now, your 'apology' is just a superficial bandaid to cover your gaping wound. We'll see what happens when you finally get over people that got sick of your bullying and gave it back to you.
Once you are 'over' the initial shock of getting it back, then we'll see how you are.
One thing is for sure -- you need to just stay off the internet.
I also don't even think you wrote the apology. Based on the way you write, I think you had a PR team write it for you.
But I cannot prove that so it's whatever.
Do better, then you can get an acceptance of your PR team's apology from people. Until then, just stop being a bully.