Don’t Let The Fantasy of a Relationship or Marriage Fool You

The reality is that healthy relationships get messy

Op-ed Daily
4 min readJun 19, 2021

I’ve been with my wife for 22 years now. I was 17 when we shared our first kiss and we haven’t looked back since. In this time, we’ve dealt with just about everything a person can think of: infidelity, fighting, miscommunication, puppy love, etc. Because of these experiences, I have a better understanding of how a relationship functions and I’d like to take a moment to help others understand what a healthy relationship actually looks like:

It‘s Messy!

If I were to talk about all the problems my wife and I have had, most of you would probably be like wtf is wrong with you two? and others might say that’s not a healthy relationship! Many would even question why we’re still together in the first place, but responses like that are often indicators of why people don’t have healthy relationships — there are too many expectations placed on the ‘fantasy’ of marriage and relationships.

A relationship isn’t the white picket fence with dogs and kiddos dressed in khakis with collared shirts. It’s more like a half-broken privacy fence with a Chihuahua that won’t shut the hell up and kids running around making them bark. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that the grass isn’t mowed either.

Just as porn has tainted the way people visualize sexual encounters, Hollywood has tainted the image of what an actual, healthy relationship looks like. Just because the woman on PornHub is begging for more as the mascara runs down her face doesn’t mean all women are going to love that kind of treatment!

The same goes for a relationship — just because the movies show two people that never argue, call each other four-letter pet names, throw things, or slam doors doesn’t mean that’s how a relationship is going to turn out. Missing from most movies are those agonizing moments after a heated “love quarrel” where you’re both tired, red-faced, believing that you cannot be wrong in THIS fight and “why can’t she just see it!?”

So from here on out, if you have an idea in your head that your relationship should be like this or like that, throw it away, stomp on it, and burn it if you must.

There isn’t a perfect way to describe a healthy relationship; there’s no image that can properly depict a healthy or proper relationship, and if there was, it would look something like this:

Some of us will look at this and say wtf is that thing while others will oooh, ahhh, purty. But just like this picture, a healthy relationship is open to interpretation and will look different to everyone. There is no uniformity to a healthy relationship and no two relationships will be the same. What works for some does not work for others. So if you are stuck on this image or fantasy of your future marriage, it’s likely doomed to fail or you will be sorely disappointed if you aren’t able to overcome this notion.

It is important that you realize the person you are with is unique, as are you. If the two of you fight once a week over stupid things, then so be it. If you’re not fighting, it means something might well be wrong, especially early on. There will be times that you will absolutely despise your partner, but in order to fix the things that are wrong, both parties must be willing to say “I’m sorry” and both parties must realize that no one is right 100% of the time.

So fight it out, if you must, but make sure you try and understand what the other is saying instead of only hearing scream, scream, scream, yell, yell, yell. Too often couples can’t hear each other from all the yelling. Pay attention, because in those moments, our most vulnerable and hurtful moments, you’re likely to hear the most important conversations of your marriage/relationship, and those conversations will lead to an understanding — but only if you’re paying attention.

The point here is that a relationship can and will get messy before it starts to make sense. As long as you love the person, you have to be willing to sift through all those puzzle pieces to start putting together the image that embodies your relationship. After some time, some fights, some slammed doors, and even broken dishes, you’ll start seeing that picture form and it hardly ever looks like the image you first had in your mind when you fantasized about your marriage or relationship.



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