I don't think either of them need therapy. I think both partners have to learn to pick battles and to accept things while maintaining clear communication with each other.
What I found telling, if you read closely, is that the house was a mess, which means she wasn't cleaning it either.
So it sounds like they may need to figure out who likes doing what chores the most.
My wife and I just split the things up naturally. I don't mind dishes, she hates them, so I do them. I hate doing laundry and she doesn't mind it, so she does it.
I don't reorganize because I think too much, so the wife does it.
She doesn't check the oil so I do it. We both take out the trash when one of us remembers.
It also amazes me that women used to complain that men weren't emotional enough and needed to open up more.
So they pushed men that direction, and now "they need a mama."