I know exactly what you're attempting to do, but you're incorrect in your attempt to rewrite what both TF and TM mean and claim TF doesn't exist, but it does.
You are also playing the game of "but, the spectrum!" and we're not going to do that because that's not what either words are referencing.
Toxic masculinity actually came from a men's movement - they called themselves mythopoets. TM to them had to do with emotionality and ritual.
They weren't even making it a political statement and focused only on the internal struggle for men and how to fix that.
Then feminists came along, labeled them "x," then stole the terminology to use as a stick against men and "patriarchy" (again, men).
It is NOT true to believe that females behave in ways they do BECAUSE of patriarchy - that's a cop-out and amounts to nothing more than victimization. It's lazy, flawed logic.
Toxic femininity is a relatively new word and is as yet defined, but the feminists are trying to latch onto this phrase and blame men (patriarchy) for all that ails them.
So, you don't need to explain anything, TK. I know exactly where you're going with that and it's lazy, flawed logic.
We do not live in a patriarchy anymore - we are in an egalitarian society but feminists don't want to acknowledge this because then they wouldn't have anyone to blame but themselves.
Let's get off it already, okay? Cool.