I’d like to point out that what you’re describing isn’t a “nice guy,” but instead someone who can’t pick up women on his own merits and uses faux niceness to seduce a woman. There’s a huge difference between the two. One is fake, the other is not.
What you’ve done is created a strawman by categorizing liars as ‘nice guys’ and claiming that ‘nice guys’ can’t do ‘x’ because they aren’t ‘nice guys’.
Men that are genuinely nice guys are perceived as weaker and less assertive by women and are friend-zoned because of this. These men tend to find mates later on in life once women have realized that complete confidence & machismo are traits generally attached to violent, sociopathic men (though not all are this way).
Women seeking a fling will often throw themselves at men who are likely to abuse them. Sadly, women then get entangled with those men because their moments of passion turned into what they believed to be feelings, so they give it a shot only to realize they made a mistake. That’s when the actual ‘nice guy’ is able to save the girl from further disaster.
Please, the next time you want to make a valid argument, don’t miscategorize the very thing you’re arguing.