Op-ed Daily
2 min readMay 26, 2021


"I'm not anti-capitalist" -- then why are you complaining about him monetizing his work?

You're being a hypocrite here (and on another thing - read that below).

On one hand, you claim you aren't anti-capitalist, then in that same breath, you brow-beat him for monetizing his property using a platform built for that very thing which you are currently utilizing.

If you are pro-capitalist then his usage of monetization of content through Medium would be a non-issue for you, but it clearly is because you keep talking about it.

I'd also beg you to actually READ the article, because I don't think you actually did. Had you read the article, you'd actually realize that the author isn't saying capitalism is bad. Not once did he say that. You made it up in your mind. I have a feeling - and this is my assumption - that you read the title, cognitive dissonance washed over you, then you had to speak without actually understanding what it was you were replying to.

He very clearly qualifies his finger pointing at MODERN capitalism, which is vastly, vastly different than the capitalism we had during the decades that our nation (the US) was the strongest it ever has been economically. The most stable, anyway.

More people were well-to-do, college education was affordable, one income could pay for college, a house, and that income could be had through work, college degree be damned. The capitalism of today is much different.

I certainly hope that you can appreciate that there are varying degrees of economic systems throughout the world and that it isn't all black and white.

So, when the author is discussing some of the ills that have occurred, as a result of MODERN capitalism, he is NOT saying that he is anti-capitalist. People that want to fix something tend to want to talk about how it's broken first.

And something I also found quite amusing about what a hypocrite you are is an article you wrote about volunteering. "The Economic Value and Social Benefits of Volunteer Work," if I recall.

I read that title and thought "Oh boy, this one is certainly not going to be locked behind a paywall because he's giving an important PSA about the benefits of volunteer work, so certainly he would volunteer his work for everyone since it's so beneficial for him."

But, I was sorely disappointed that you didn't volunteer anything but your opinion, locked behind - in your words - "[your] paywall."

Maybe you shouldn't be calling people hypocrites when you are one yourself. Yeah? I mean, ultimately, that was your original point, wasn't it? He can't talk about 'x' because he hasn't removed himself from all things 'x'?




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