It should be brought up that she received a trespassing citation because of how she treated the officers when they stopped her, not because of her shorts.
According to the officers, when they approached her about the shorts, she wouldn't speak to them and forcibly walked away.
She says she's autistic and doesn't know how to deal with police, which is fine, but I think it's important that people hear the other side of this.
The trespass was due to her ignoring the officer, forcing them to call for back up, NOT because of her shorts.
They initially asked her to get longer shorts (purchased in the park), but she refused because she didn't want to be forced into buying something (understandable).
Though when they went to trespass her, THEN she decided she could buy new shorts, but by then their mind was already made up and trespassed her.
I think the problem here is that the park held the views of the officers above the view of their patron. Once the police "decided," the park wasn't going to go against the officer's wants.
That is a problem, to be honest. The park should have just let her get her shorts and told the police to leave her alone. There was no need to trespass her.
It is a ridiculous thing for them to care about. I've seen vaginal lips hanging out of shorts before, so it's not like humans don't see this stuff on a regular basis.
I thought she looked cute anyway. The shorts went with her shirt and I really saw nothing wrong with the outfit.