Kayleigh McEnany May Have Accidentally Told the Truth
And in doing so, inadvertently admitted that Donald Trump knew the Pneumonia of Unknown Etiology from Wuhan was something bigger than it was
On November 20th, 2020, Kayleigh McEnany held a press briefing. In this briefing — the transcript of which can be found here: Transcript — she mentions that Donald Trump reached out to Moderna about producing a vaccination on January 13th, 2020.
The problem? Well, the draft of the virus genome hadn’t been released until January 11th, 2020, as per ScienceMag. At that same time, only 1 death had been reported on that same day, which was a 61 year-old man with serious underlying medical conditions.
On January 8th, 2020, at 4:15pm ET, the CDC released a Summary regarding the small outbreak in Wuhan. At the time of this CDC summary, there were only 59 reported sick patients, 7 of them critical, and no deaths as of 1/8.
In the above summary, the CDC was still referring to the “outbreak” as a PUE. In this summary, the CDC stated that caution should be used when dealing with patients who were symptomatic and traveled to Wuhan. They stated that personnel should wear protective gear, N95 respirators, closed door assessment, etc. This warning was sent to all local health officials in the US, according to the CDC.
So, according to Kayleigh McEnany, Donald Trump reached out to Moderna to produce a vaccine for a largely unknown virus whose first sequencing data had only been released 2 days prior, had only killed one 61 year-old man with serious underlying conditions, and had only infected 59 people, all of whom were linked to a wet market at the time.
Trump reached out to produce a vaccine but eight days later told CNBC that “[w]e have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” He issued travel restrictions on 2/2/2020 but on 2/10/2020 he was telling us that it would disappear by April (see video below).
So either Donald Trump is a seer, Kayleigh McEnany is a liar, or Donald Trump knew exactly what was happening because the US had been funding Gain-of-Function research on viruses at the Wuhan lab for the last several years, specifically SARS-related viruses. You can read more about the US’s involvement in the Wuhan lab here, as well as studies produced from that very lab: Yes, it is entirely possible that COVID-19 was created in a lab.
Let’s not forget that at the same time this outbreak occurred, drones were being flown over pig farms in China, spraying them with Swine Flu and you can read about that here: Pig Farms.
Please understand that her “slip” proves nothing and it could be just another lie by the Trump administration, but it should certainly raise eyebrows for people. Moderna began giving vaccines out to people in March, which is strange considering that in February, Trump was telling us it would disappear by April.
I believe more investigation needs to be considered given what she said. If Trump did, in fact, reach out to Moderna for a vaccine while waiting until the last minute for everything, then giving up almost entirely when the outbreak was clearly out of control in the US, then we need to understand exactly what Trump knew and when he knew it.