Let’s see:
Millions of women, every year, jump in bed with a man they just met or barely know, get naked, have foreplay, then have sex.
Yet hundreds, MAYBE thousands of women a year jump in bed with someone, naked, begin having foreplay, and then have a man assume they want it because every other sexual encounter they had began the exact same way.
So they “assume the position,” insert their organ into her organ, and some of those women may say “stop.” Most men will stop. If those men stop, this is not rape.
Just because a woman doesn’t say “please insert penis into vagina” which was the only thing, aside from the guy’s foot, that hadn’t already been inserted into her vagina, doesn’t mean she doesn’t want it. In the vast majority of sexual encounters between men and women, the above scenario results in penetrative sex.
Yet you think it’s wrong of a guy to assume a woman who is naked, giving a hand-job, oral, kissing, and allowing penetration with other appendages is wanting sex?
Please — quit playing games. If you don’t want to have sex, say it up front. That’s YOUR responsibility because 99.9% of the time, if you hop into bed, naked, with a guy and kiss/fondle/do oral, he’s going to think you want to have sex.
When you understand this, then you can be the one to not put yourself in a position to lead a man into believing you want sex when you don’t.
Simply tell the guy: “Hey, I want to fool around but I don’t want to have sex.”
Most guys will be like “okay cool,” even though they’ll most likely STILL believe that you’re going to give it up.
Grown women don’t really act like this, to be honest. These are games that teenagers and early-20s girls play. If a grown woman is doing this, she’s trying to cause trouble and those are the women men should avoid.
Granted, it’s NEVER okay for a man to continue on if a woman tells him “no,” or says “stop.” Never okay.
But if you don’t want a man to misread you then take your hands off his genitalia, pull your lips away from his, put your clothes back on, and leave the bedroom.