Op-ed Daily
3 min readFeb 6, 2020


Talk about grasping at straws, Taylor.

A) The President did state that he could win a war in a week without using nukes, but doing so would kill 10 million people.

You realize when I put that in the article, it wasn’t a direct quote, right?

→ “ ← Do you see that thing? When you add it to the beginning and end of a piece of literature, it means that you are quoting someone verbatim. I didn’t do that, but what I DID do is link to the article.

Saying that the US could win a war but he doesn’t want to do it because it’ll kill 10 million people is the exact same thing as saying we can win a war, but doing so would kill 10 million people. No difference. Zero.

And this isn’t the first time he’s threatened an entire country’s population, mind you. This is a pattern with Trump.

And yes, he DID say “without nukes:”

“ ‘As I’ve said, and I’ll say it any number of times — and this is not using nuclear — we could win that war in a week if we wanted to fight it, but I’m not looking to kill 10 million people,’ Trump said.” — https://thehill.com/policy/defense/458144-trump-says-he-could-win-afghanistan-war-in-a-week-without-using-nuclear

Would it make you feel better for me to add a link to the story? Okay, I’ll do that since you want to grasp at straws and nitpick.

B: That is NOT the story that Kyle Bass cited and is completely separate. Kyle Bass cited a story about a husband and wife that worked at a Canadian lab. The story you cited is irrelevant to the article I’ve written. Again, grasping at straws.

Also, those scientists were arrested well after Corona Virus showed up in China.

C: Yet again, you’re just pulling things out of thin air. The article I cited states exactly what you’ve said. They were there as “athletes,” but they are, in fact, military personnel. I don’t know if you realize it or not, but we have CIA assets in all manner of people. Cary Grant, Julia Child, Roald Dahl — all of those people worked for the CIA as Intelligence operatives.

Yet you’re going to sit there and pretend that 300 athletes who are in the military, would, what, refuse to release biological agents against the Chinese when instructed to do so? Or even have done it unknowingly?

Please. You don’t understand intelligence and military strategy if you believe that.

Again, you’re grasping at whatever straw you can find, but given the citations, sources, and facts presented in my article, you’re left to nitpick anything and nothing.

And what I find amusing is that you said (and watch, I’m going to use those “ things to quote you verbatim, okay? Pay attention!): “If I need to, I’ll unravel your claims of Trump Jr. being tied in with this hedge fund manager, too.”

The problem with your statement? I never said that he was “tied in” with the hedge fund manager, Bass (I’m assuming that’s who you’re referencing). I pointed out that Trump Jr. is friends with Hicks. Hicks is friends with Bass. Hicks was able to connect Bass into a possible intelligence briefing at Langley (though the article states treasury department, it also states inter-agency and given that it was in Langley, there’s a really good chance it was with the CIA).

I never suggested that Bass has/had anything to do with Trump Jr. But Hicks does. Hicks and Bass were the ones at the meeting. I never once stated that Trump Jr. was.

Now, do you understand how quotations work? Do you now see how few straws you have left to grasp?

Take from the article what you will, but the facts are there. Make your own assumptions as to what it means. Could mean nothing. Could mean everything. But don’t attempt to impugn my article by asserting falsehoods where none existed.

Thanks for reading!



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