This article is a prime example of these racial micro-aggressions, micro-offenses, and absurdity.
The problem with the root of your entire argument is that the word is actually defined in our dictionaries as meaning "white-skinned; of European origin," and "relating to the Caucasus."
There is a HUGE difference between ignorance and racism, Tamara. Where you CHOOSE to perceive subtle, "unconscious" racism, I see ignorance.
The same is true for the term "Indian." The word used to describe both people from India, as well as Native Americans of North, Central, and South America, especially those of North America.
I "cringe" when people call me an "Indian," and if asked if I'm "Indian," I respond with "no, I have no family from India," to which most roll their eyes and say "you know what I mean - Native Americans."
While I "cringe" from it, I do not take offense to it and do not look at the ignorant person standing across from me as if they are "racist."
I also refer to white Americans as European Americans. Why? Because this nation attaches qualifiers to "American" for everything but white people.
So if you REALLY want to be micro-aggressed and see "racism everywhere," then you shouldn't even use the term "white," or simply "American" when referring to white Americans - you should call them European Americans or Americans of European descent - why? Because every race of color in the US has their origin attached in front of "American."
But I, as a man of color, don't victimize myself when this happens because it's a term that changed meaning over time and a term people are just used to using. There is no malice here. There is no prejudice.
What you're doing is digging into the etymology of words that YOU believe may seem "racist," or bigoted, but you likely do not do this to every word.
If you did, our language would be VERY, VERY different, I assure you.
"Silly" used to mean "happy, fortuitous, prosperous," but at one point, it was a derogatory term, and now has swung back to be used as a compliment.
The word "Leech" used to be in reference to a physician or 'healer', and as a verb meant to cure or to heal.
The word "Cute" used to refer to someone who was witty or sharp and came from the word acute, often written with an apostrophe for the 'a': " 'cute."
"Flirt" used to describe quick, sudden movements.
So, we can go back hundreds or thousands of years and dissect every word, sure. We can do that, but as even YOU stated (rightly) - language matters. The CHANGES in language matters even more. Words that used to be derogatory can be words that are endearing while words that were once endearing can take on derogatory meaning later.
What you are doing is looking for something, ANYTHING, to create victims out of the victimless ... something to find offense with ... something that is of no consequence until you make it so.
Not everything is racist just as not everything is a conspiracy, but you can make just about everything into either one of those if you try hard enough.
That's what you've done with the term Caucasian. Just stop it. For the love of all that is good and holy, please stop.