When you refuse to pay a living wage, you do not deserve to own a business that brings you wealth.
It always amazed me how, on one hand, people claim we can't tax the rich because they're the ones that provide jobs.
But then when those jobs don't pay enough to entice labor, those same people claim it's the workers' fault for not wanting to work for poverty wages.
Basically, it's never the wealthy guy's fault - always the lowly, do-nothing, 50-hour/wk worker whose job is - their words - not skilled labor, therefore deserves less than living wage.
And then if that wasn't bad enough, these companies often demand free labor from these people.
I don't feel sorry for any businesses that fail because they refused to pay more when doing so would bring workers. Those business owners just need to pull themselves up by their "boot straps" and go back to school or get a better job.
See what I did there?