Op-ed Daily
2 min readJun 19, 2021


"Women want men to open up and share emotions,"

Nothing in the article suggests he isn't doing that.

Yet you still said "your husband sounds like an emotional child ... very much in need of a mama to ... manage his emotions."

So either you're misusing the word 'manage' and 'emotions' or you were just so busy throwing out tropes that you didn't think about that one being less accurate than the others.

It's also important to realize that what you are reading is ONE SIDE. I would bet you all the money in my bank account that if you asked her husband if he does things around the house, that he does.

I almost guarantee that he does some things but the author is so focused on the smaller problems (cleaning, etc.) that when he DOES do them, she doesn't think about it because she focuses on when he doesn't -- unless, of course, he cleans because HIS guests are coming over.

This here is why couples should not complain about their SO to other people, because those people block out the fact that there are always two sides to a story and will merely reinforce the person complaining - especially if it's a woman complaining about a man - by doing exactly what you just did.

Sorry but people that are complaining are doing so from a poor memory and often see a situation differently than the other person dealing with it.

Nothing against the author, because we all do that, but the audience should realize this before passing those kinds of judgments and ad hominem attacks against the writer's significant other.



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